Transforms an mpoly object into a function which can be evaluated.

# S3 method for mpoly
as.function(x, varorder = vars(x), vector = TRUE,
  silent = FALSE, ..., plus_pad = 1L, times_pad = 1L, squeeze = TRUE)



an object of class mpoly


the order of the variables


whether the function should take a vector argument (TRUE) or a series of arguments (FALSE)


logical; if TRUE, suppresses output


any additional arguments


number of spaces to the left and right of plus sign


number of spaces to the left and right of times sign


minify code in the created function

See also


p <- mp("(x - 1)^2") (f <- as.function(p))
#> f(.) with . = x
#> function (.) #> { #> if (length(.) > 1) { #> .[] <- sapply(., f) #> return(.) #> } #> .^2 - 2 * . + 1 #> } #> <environment: 0x7fae3e919a10>
#> [1] 0
f(seq(0, 2, .1))
#> [1] 1.00 0.81 0.64 0.49 0.36 0.25 0.16 0.09 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.04 0.09 0.16 #> [16] 0.25 0.36 0.49 0.64 0.81 1.00
p <- mp("x + 3 x y + z^2 x") (f <- as.function(p))
#> f(.) with . = (x, y, z)
#> function (.) #> { #> .[1] + 3 * .[1] * .[2] + .[1] * .[3]^2 #> } #> <environment: 0x7fae3d8fc040>
f(1:3) # -> 16
#> [1] 16
f(c(1,1,1)) # -> 5
#> [1] 5
f <- as.function(p, vector = FALSE)
#> f(x, y, z)
f(1, 2, 3) # -> 16
#> [1] 16
f(1, 1, 1) # -> 5
#> [1] 5
f <- as.function(p, varorder = c("z","y","x"), vector = FALSE)
#> f(z, y, x)
f(3, 2, 1) # -> 16
#> [1] 16
f(1, 1, 1) # -> 5
#> [1] 5
# for univariate mpolys, as.function() returns a vectorized function # that can even apply to arrays p <- mp("x^2") f <- as.function(p)
#> f(.) with . = x
#> [1] 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100
(mat <- matrix(1:4, 2))
#> [,1] [,2] #> [1,] 1 3 #> [2,] 2 4
#> [,1] [,2] #> [1,] 1 9 #> [2,] 4 16
p <- mp("1 2 3 4") f <- as.function(p) f(10) # -> 24
#> [1] 24
bernstein(1, 2)
#> 2 x - 2 x^2
s <- seq(0, 1, .01) as.function(bernstein(1, 2))(s)
#> f(.) with . = x
#> [1] 0.0000 0.0198 0.0392 0.0582 0.0768 0.0950 0.1128 0.1302 0.1472 0.1638 #> [11] 0.1800 0.1958 0.2112 0.2262 0.2408 0.2550 0.2688 0.2822 0.2952 0.3078 #> [21] 0.3200 0.3318 0.3432 0.3542 0.3648 0.3750 0.3848 0.3942 0.4032 0.4118 #> [31] 0.4200 0.4278 0.4352 0.4422 0.4488 0.4550 0.4608 0.4662 0.4712 0.4758 #> [41] 0.4800 0.4838 0.4872 0.4902 0.4928 0.4950 0.4968 0.4982 0.4992 0.4998 #> [51] 0.5000 0.4998 0.4992 0.4982 0.4968 0.4950 0.4928 0.4902 0.4872 0.4838 #> [61] 0.4800 0.4758 0.4712 0.4662 0.4608 0.4550 0.4488 0.4422 0.4352 0.4278 #> [71] 0.4200 0.4118 0.4032 0.3942 0.3848 0.3750 0.3648 0.3542 0.3432 0.3318 #> [81] 0.3200 0.3078 0.2952 0.2822 0.2688 0.2550 0.2408 0.2262 0.2112 0.1958 #> [91] 0.1800 0.1638 0.1472 0.1302 0.1128 0.0950 0.0768 0.0582 0.0392 0.0198 #> [101] 0.0000
plot( s, as.function(bernstein(1, 2))(s) )
#> f(.) with . = x
as.function(mp("x + xx"))
#> f(.) with . = (x, xx)
#> function (.) #> { #> .[1] + .[2] #> } #> <environment: 0x7fae3f531830>
as.function(mp("x + xx"), squeeze = FALSE)
#> f(.) with . = (x, xx)
#> function (.) #> { #> .[1] + .[2] #> } #> <environment: 0x7fae3e41d5e8>