The Lissajous polynomials are the implicit (variety) descriptions of the image of the parametric map x = cos(m t + p), y = sin(n t + q).

lissajous(m, n, p, q, digits = 3)


m, n, p, q

Trigonometric coefficients, see examples for description


The number of digits to round coefficients to, see round.mpoly(). This is useful for cleaning terms that are numerically nonzero, but should be.


a mpoly object

See also

chebyshev(), Merino, J. C (2003). Lissajous figures and Chebyshev polynomials. The College Mathematics Journal, 34(2), pp. 122-127.


lissajous(3, 2, -pi/2, 0)
#> -4 x^2 + 4 x^4 + 9 y^2 - 24 y^4 + 16 y^6
lissajous(4, 3, -pi/2, 0)
#> 9 x^2 - 24 x^4 + 16 x^6 - 16 y^2 + 80 y^4 - 128 y^6 + 64 y^8